Feathered Friends of the Smoky Mountains

The Smoky Mountains are a haven for a vast variety of bird species. From tiny hummingbirds flitting between flowers to golden eagles soaring above the treetops, these feathered creatures add another level of charm to our majestic mountains.

One of the notable species making the Smoky Mountains their home is the Northern Saw-whet Owl. This pint-sized owl might be small in size, but it makes its presence known with a distinctive too-too-too call that echoes through the night.

For those who appreciate a dash of color, the Indigo Bunting is a summer favorite. These brilliant blue birds can often be spotted in the wilder areas of the park, bringing an undeniable splash of color to the landscape.

No birdwatching adventure in the Smoky Mountains would be complete without spotting the iconic Wild Turkey. These large, ground-dwelling birds are a common sight, often seen foraging on the forest floor in small flocks.

At Smoky Mountain Villas, we provide the perfect base for your birdwatching expeditions. With the vast expanse of the Smoky Mountains at our doorstep, you can enjoy these natural wonders in comfort and luxury.

Join us at Smoky Mountain Villas and discover the feathery delights that the Smoky Mountains have to offer. Enjoy the tranquil melodies of bird songs, spot colorful feathers among the green, and feel the thrill of catching a rare sight. Nature is waiting.


Journey Through Time: The Rich History and Culture of the Smoky Mountains


The Magic of Summer in the Smoky Mountains